Argentina Video

Espa?ol: Luego de hacer un viaje a lo largo de casi toda la Patagonia, llegamos a R?o Grande en Tierra del Fuego, en busca de las reconocidas sea run brown trout y residentes, que son lo deseado por todo pescador de mosca.Invitados por Francisco Hermoso, due?o de la “Estancia Aurelia”, llegamos a un lugar fant?stico, t?pico paisaje del sur patagónico, en donde se unen el R?o Grande y el R?o Menéndez, la vegetación baja y seca algunos ?rboles chicos y simp?ticamente inclinados por los vientos, gran cantidad de corderos, guanacos, y avestruces. Nos permitieron armar el campamento a solo 100 mts del R?o Grande en un refugio de troncos, a partir …

English: After travelling through almost all of Patagonia we arrived at the Rio Grande in Tierra del Fuego to search for the famed sea run and resident brown trout, which are a highly desired fish by all fly fishermen. I was invited by Francisco Hermoso, owner of “Estancia Aurelia”. We reached a fantastic place, with a typical landscape of southern Patagonia where the R?o Grande and R?o Menéndez join together. The vegetation is low and arid with a few small trees graciously inclined by the strong winds that blow through this region of Argentina. We crossed paths with sheep, guanacos and the American ostrich. We were allowed to camp about 100 meters near the R?o Grande in a shelter made with logs. From that …Espa?ol: de ese momento nuestra prioridad numero 1 era pescar y solo pescar, en esa latitud el sol sale a las 05:40 AM y se oculta 11:45 PM. Comenzamos en unos pozones cercanos provocados por las curvas que hace el r?o, Miguel S?nchez (guia de pesca en Bariloche) pescó la mayor parte del tiempo con una ca?a spey muy conveniente debido al fuerte viento! As? pudo llegar a los mejores lugares con grandes tiros y entrando lo menos posible al agua, durante los 4 d?as el viento estuvo siempre presente las 24 hs, sacudiendo nuestras carpas, complicando nuestro cast, y principalmente agotando nuestra paciencia! Jaja. Gustavo Morales y yo (Wilfredo Homero), pescamos con ca?as 8, por momentos con l?neas de 224 grains y por otros de 300 grains, utilizamos muchas moscas con patas de goma, también grandes Streamers, en general negro de d?a, y amarillo al fin de la tarde.Gustavo logró un hermoso y fuerte salmón de 7kgs! recientemente llegado del mar, ya que a?n contaba con el caracter?stico color plateado, dio una gran lucha con largas corridas, que generó muchas sonrisas en nuestros rostros, y d?ndonos fuerzas para continuar en la b?squeda de esos grandes ejemplares que tanto cuesta encontrar, por eso quiz?s, llegamos a estar 11 horas por d?a en el agua!, probando en distintos lugares, con distintas moscas, y tratando de encontrar los “canales” por donde suben las truchas, durante la b?squeda de las truchas gigantes, fuimos obteniendo excelentes ejemplares de aproximadamente 3 kgs, incre?blemente fuertes, enérgicos, que daban saltos a cada momento, haciendo el d?a de pesca muy entretenido, aunque agotador, muchas horas de cast continuo, con mucho viento del oeste siempre de aproximadamente 80 km/h, como es caracter?stico en Patagonia el clima cambia de un momento a otro, hasta nos toco lluvia y granizo mientras pesc?bamos!, las noches muy fr?as con temperaturas en -5°C, en donde el fuego era lo mas importante al acostarnos (claro que no faltaron las charlas de fogones sobre la pesca de d?a, con asado, vinos en bota y habanos).Mientras se terminaban nuestros d?as en el lugar, también se agotaban nuestras fuerzas, el cuerpo se “gasta” con dolores en los brazos, cintura, y las piernas, pero es justamente all? donde encontramos lo mejor de cada uno, esas truchas que pescamos justifican nuestro cansancio, ese lugar fascinante que hace que dejes por 5 minutos el cast, y contemples la belleza, (muchas gracias Francisco) te dan ganas de no irte jam?s!, si a eso le agregamos los buenos amigos, entonces el resumen es ideal! Son esas cosas que uno guarda en el alma para siempre, extra?amos la presencia de Alex, pero sabemos que nos quedan muchos campamentos de pesca por delante.Es as? que nos despedimos del R?o Grande, de sus vientos, sus atardeceres, su hostilidad, y de sus combativas truchas, con un solo deseo…… VOLVER.

English: moment onwards our priority was to fish and only fish. At that latitude and at that time of the year the sun rises at 05:40 am and hides at 11:45 pm. We started in nearby pools formed in the curves of the river. Miguel S?nchez (a fly fishing guide from Bariloche) fished most of the time with a spey rod, a very convenient choice considering the strong winds! With the spey rod he could reach the best places with large throws and getting into the water as less as possible. The wind was present blowing constantly during the four days, shaking our tents, complicating our casts and basically draining our patience! Gustavo Morales and I (Wilfredo Homero) fished with 8 wt single handed fly rods, sometimes with 224 grain sinking fly lines and sometimes with 300 grain sinking fly lines. We used lots of flies with rubber legs and also big Streamer flies, usually black during the day and yellow during the afternoon and evening. Gustavo obtained a beautiful and strong 7 kg. Salmon that had recently arrived from the sea and it still had the characteristic silver colour. The salmon gave a great fight with long runs which caused laughter and smiling faces and this fish encouraged us to continue in the search of those big specimen that are many times so difficult to find. But, it was the promise of those big beautiful fish that kept us in the water for 11 hours per day! We kept trying different places, with different flies and trying to find the “waterways” through which the trout came up. During our search for giant trout we obtained excellent species of approximately 3 kg., amazingly strong and energetic that kept on jumping and making the fishing day very amusing but also exhausting. Many hours of continuous casts with strong relentless winds from the west of 80 km/h. As it is characteristic in our Patagonia, the weather changes from one moment to the next and we even had rain and hail while we were fishing. The nights were very cold with temperatures falling to -5?C and keeping a good fire was essential to get some sleep. Obviously the conversations about the catches of the day around the barbecue with good wine and cigars couldn’t be missed.As our stay in that place was coming to an end, also our strengths started to run out and our bodies were worn out with aching arms and legs.Nevertheless the trout caught justified our fatigue. This location was fascinating (thank you very much Francisco) and it was impossible not to contemplate the beauty between casts. Many times you wish to stay there for ever. If we add the company of good friends we have the ideal situation. These experiences will remain in our souls eternally. We missed the presence of Alex, but we know we will have many more camps ahead to share.Finally we said goodbye to Rio Grande, to the winds, the evenings, its hostility and its combating trout, with only one desire … To Return.