Striped Bass

Striped Bass: Migration Patterns

Striped bass are a anadromous species of inshore game fish that are native tothe eastern coast of the United States. Their range spans from the lower St. LawrenceRiver in Canada to the St. John’s River in Northern Florida and into the Gulf of Mexico.But the main body of fish can be found in the waters...

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Striped Bass: What They Eat

Striped bass of the Atlantic coast are predators that feed on a wide variety of prey inmany different environments. They can be very aggressive when hunting in largeschools corralling shoals of small bait fish to the surface and attacking with recklessabandon. Stripers can also feed with the grace comparable to a trout sipping on a...

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Striped Bass: Gear, The Nuts & Bolts

Fly fishing for striped bass requires a few basic items to get started. A simple set up anda few flies is all that is needed in many situations. Mid-priced rods from six to eightweights will handle most stripers but nine to ten weights are useful in open water andwhen larger fish are expected. A simple...

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Striped Bass: Fly Line Options & Choices

When fly fishing for striped bass there are many different fly lines that can be used tomatch the conditions and the environments where stripers are found. Floating lines areamong the most versatile and have their place in most situations. Weight forward floaters,when properly matched to the rod, give the angler control when stripers are feedingin...

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Striped Bass: Flatwing Swing

Swinging flatwing flies for striped bass consists of traditional techniques borrowed fromsalmon and steelhead fishermen. Flatwings are a style of fly adapted to saltwater byKen Abrames. They are tied with long saddle hackle, sparse bucktail, topped with peacockherl and finished with jungle cock eyes. With these natural materials flatwingsmove and breath in the water’s current...

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Striped Bass: Fishing Rocky Shorelines

Fly fishing the rocky shorelines for striped bass can be challenging but a very rewardingway of fishing. These ledges and rock piles create shelter for a variety of species of fishbut no one feels more at home there than the striper. The ocean currents and surf createa turbulent world of white water that disorients bait...

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Striped Bass: Fishing Tidal Rivers

Striped bass love current and one of the best places to fly fish for them is in the tidal riversthroughout the coast. From large rivers with strong currents to tiny creeks that drainat low tides, striped bass can be found using the rhythm of the incoming and outgoingtides to feed. Holding near seams, eddys or...

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Striped Bass: Fishing The Flats

As the tides move water onto the flats striped bass move in to feed on crustaceans, immaturefish and many other small critters. Stripers can be found on flats that have a varietyof bottoms including sand, mud, rocks, grass or a combination of all of the above.Flats are found throughout the Atlantic coast and can be...

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Striped Bass: Fishing The Beaches

One of the best places for the shore fly fisherman to find striped bass is on the sandbeaches of the Atlantic coast. Ocean swells pound the coast and create an environmentwhere the striper is at home. They move in and out of the surf and feed on bait fish thatare disoriented in the sudsy water....

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Striped Bass: Fishing The Reefs

Fishing the reefs for striped bass with a fly can a be challenging but rewarding methodof catching large fish. Reefs are underwater structure or humps in the sea floor that area home for many species of fish. When the incoming and outgoing tides flow over thesehumps a rip line is formed on the waters surface....

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