I haven’t been brook fishing since I was a kid. Once my dad refused to help me untangle my line from the alders one more time I found more interesting pastimes. As I grew older and wanted something to take my mind off from the stresses of the day I started flyfishing. My introduction was on ponds where most of the time a sinking line was cast blindly to a trout you hoped was waiting. Strip, after strip after strip, cast after cast after cast. Of course I have caught some decent trout otherwise I would have abandoned this fishing method as well. Since I have met Greg and Jeremy I have found that fishing can be more than a pastime, it can be a passion. These guys will fish anywhere for anything as long as it involves a flyrod. Greg has convinced me to re-try brook fishing for trout with a flyrod. To date I have been 3 times. To date I have not hurt the fish population one bit. I see trout slurping flies, and I see trout holding in the stream waiting for feed to drift by, But I can’t catch them. I know that I will learn the intricacies of fooling the trout in moving water as time goes by. I will learn what a seam is, and I will learn what fly gets their attention. Until then I will continue to visit the small trout streams of Cumberland County and everytime my line is wrapped around an alder branch or the hook is buried into a stump I will see my Dad shaking his head, and mumbling “How the hell does he do that time after time”
Thanks Greg….