Saturday morning, a little bit of rain, and a whole lot of coffee. I showed up at the sand bar at around 6:30 AM and walked my way out. I had a few small schoolies first thing and was hoping for something better. 2 hours went by and things got a little bit slow. Actually it totally died off. I saw Bruce a little ways away, and he had a nice one on, and then his buddy Joe had one right after. I was waiting for the school to come through, but no luck. I was calling it a day, and as I was walking back I stopped upon an outlet for the incoming tide. Where the water was traveling over the sand bar and into the river. I thought it might have some bait flowing through and the larger fish might be on the recieving end. I threw my clouser out there a little ways, and WHAM. I had a fish and he was a runnin’. I thought I had a 40 incher by the way he was fighting. I took in some line and he took out twice as much. This went on for about 20 min., until he ran out of steam. All of the sudden the fish was rising to the surface, and almost completely lifeless. He wasn’t nearly as big as I thought initially, but well worth the extra effort. Not too bad with a little bit of Salt, butter, and onion wrapped in tin foilll for 15 min on the grill. Happy Father’s day dad!