Underwater Trout Video:Hi-Speed Only

After I got my camera I started taking photo’s and keeping a journal of places and trips that I have guided and when I get a great shot of a fish I clip it into my journal. Keeping track of hatches and weather and the numbers and sizes makes it into my journal but most of all I do this because of a client I once guided. He and I had a great conversation over lunch while fishing one day on the Rapid. He was from Chicago but he wanted to know everything about the area, it’s history, the bodies of water, and about the trout. We not only got to talking about the fishing he had done but about his family and the things that have occurred in there lives. His journal he had been keeping for many years and it not only reminded him of the fly he used on that day he hooked and landed the 4lb brookie but it talked about what his kids were doing while he was preparing for his fishing trips, and what they were like growing up. His journal was a journal of his families life. I was getting married a few weeks after we had this trip together and he gave me the usual tips about “the great institution” and all the stuff you hear from people that have been married for over 40 years. But the most influential part of meeting and spending the day with this client was the journal. So now I hope to keep my journal going and that it will one day tell the story of my family also. And hopefully it will remind me of that special fly that landed the biggest fish some day when I am old and loosing my memory. So I started playing with the video stuff on my camera and this has given me a lot of joy and I hope you like the video.